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Description | Features | Primer | RoR vs Planning | Examples | Quick Start | How To | Versions |
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RORICX, Rate of Return and Retirement Planner Calculator
Documentation pages. How To.
General: sequence, preferences, navigation...
General: Profile Page (setting user preferences)
General: sequence, preferences, navigation...
The starting point of the app is the Portfolio List. It displays all the portfolios that user has already created. If there are no portfolios at all (e.g. the first time the user logs in) the portfolio has to be created first. The page allows to add new one and edit the name of existing ones. To add click + Add link, to Edit click the icon in the Edit column. This actually is a general pattern within RORICX, applicable to transactions, programs, RoRs, projections - the user always arrives to the list first, then uses + Add link or the
icon. Alternatively sometimes it is faster to create new entry using the existing one as a template, in this case the
icon should be clicked (in the Duplicate column).
Once portfolio is created or selected the user starts to work with it. The user can drill down to transactions, programs, RoRs, projections or the user can execute export or import of the portfolio. All those tasks are executed by clicking appropriate icon on the row from the list. It is important to understand that all transactions, programs, RoRs and projections belong to one particular portfolio. Those are not visible from different portfolios.
Another thing about the lists is that those are displayed in pages. The size of a page is set in the user profile (e.g. 5, 10 or 30 records per page). To see different pages the user typically clicks the pagination links that appear in the right bottom corner under the grid with the list records. There is a Print link located above the grid in the right corner. When clicked it displays the same list but in a printer friendly format: no pages, no icons, no logos, no menus, just row after row the appropriate data. Those printable pages are applicable to transaction list, program list, RoR list, projection list, RoR verification list and projection verification list.
As already mentioned the RORICX presents the screens in hierarchical format, starting with portfolios on the top. When user drills down there is always a link on the page that allows the user to come back. Typically it is either Back to... link in the right bottom corner or the Cancel button. Of course the user always can click the browser's back button.
For every page there is online Help link located in the top right section of the page. Clicking this link brings the user to the proper section of this page.
Date format is another important feature in RORICX. The user sets it in the preferences, that are accessible via My Profile link.
The typical session runs as follows.
The user starts at the portfolio screen and navigates to Transactions and Programs. Those represent the entries that record the money that are credited or debited to the portfolio.
Once the user has set/verified that all the credits/debits are correctly entered she navigates to the RoR or Projection list page.
On the RoR/Projection List Page the user sets the interval market values and requests a calculation. From the same screen the Calculation Verification may be requested and furthermore the Export of this verification (for further analysis on the desktop, e.g. in Excel spreadsheet).
General: Profile Page (setting user preferences)
The purpose of this screen is to maintain user preferences. It is accessible from the My Profile menu on the top of the page.
There are six fields. First of all First name and Last name. You can set them to anything you like, but those are displayed in the top menu line in the left corner.
Then there is an email. You need this field on three occasions. First, when registering - we need to send the activation code to some address. So it should be a real email address that you can access. Secondly, you use this email every time you log in. Finally you may need to reset your forgotten passwords - we need a real email to know where to send the new password.
Then there are two settings that control the appearance of your screens. First is the date format - every date that appears on the screen will show up in the format that you define. The default format is dd Mon yyyy and this eliminates the guesswork with the dates like 01/02/2009 - is this Jan 02 or Feb 01.
Then there is a dropdown that contains three possible options for compounding method: Monthly, Twice a year and Yearly. Monthly is default.
When "Monthly" is set the compounding is done on the first day of every month and on the last date of RoR/Projection interval.
When "Twice a year" is set the compounding is done on Jan 01 and on July 01 and on the last date of RoR/Projection interval.
When "Yearly" is set the compounding is done on the first day of every year (Jan 01) and on the last date of RoR/Projection interval.
Note that for changing your password there is another separate page that is accessible from the Change Password menu.
There are several ways to get reports in RORICX.
First of all on every list page there is a Print link located above the grid in the right corner. When clicked it displays the same list but in a printer friendly format: no pages, no icons, no logos, no menus, just row after row the appropriate data. Those printable pages are applicable to transaction list, program list, RoR list, projection list, RoR verification list and projection verification list.
Second handy option is the Export to Excel feature. You can export every list into Excel and customize it further in Excel.
This way you can export the list of transactions, programs, RoR and Projection calculations.
There is a third option to get reports from RORICX - the Verify page, or Export Verify page. Although the primary goal of those pages is to audit the calculation of RoR or Projection, it can be easily adopted for the listing (similar to bank account) with every transaction date (regardless if it is adhoc transaction or the part of a regular contribution program) and compounding date. Those dates are listed in the ascending order and for every date one can see the total invested and total value of your portfolio growing with certain rate of return. Export those into Excel, remove the columns you don't need, add your custom features (logos, headers, summaries) and you'll end up with great reports that will satisfy your requirements.
Portfolio List Page is the Main page for logged user, the starting point, the top of the hierarchy. Portfolio itself is a placeholder for your investment. Everything in RORICX resides inside certain portfolio.
The purpose of this screen is to maintain the list of portfolios and navigate (drill down) to its details - transactions, programs, RoRs, projections.
When starting from scratch, there is nothing in the list (see Fig.1).
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Fig. 1 |
So the first step is to create a portfolio by clicking +Add link (Fig.2).
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Fig. 2 |
Clicking this +Add link will bring us to the Portfolio Add/Edit Page.
After clicking insert on this Portfolio Add Page we are back at Portfolio List page. Now there is one record with the portfolio that we just had entered (e.g. "house" portfolio). This record contains several icons to execute different tasks against this portfolio (Fig.3), each icon in its own column.
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Fig. 3 |
So the name of the portfolio (and it is a unique name, i.e. one user can have only one portfolio named "house"), is in the leftmost column. Other columns represent different actions that can be executed against this portfolio. Those actions are grouped into four areas: Portfolio Credits/Debits, Portfolio Tasks, Portfolio Backups, Record Management.
The Portfolio Credits/Debits group contains two icons.
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
The Portfolio Tasks group contains two icons.
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
The Portfolio Backups group contains two icons.
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
The Portfolio Record Management group contains three icons.
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
More portfolio may be added by clicking +Add link, so the list can contain many portfolios (Fig.4).
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Fig. 4 |
Note that as the list grows all portfolios may not fit on one page. In case of example on Fig.4 there are maximum 5 records per page. This maximum is adjustable in My Profile link, located on the top line of the page. To see more records click on the pagination links (in this case 1 2 Next) located in the bottom right corner of the page.
Note the location of +Add link, right above the Edit column. This is because clicking the +Add and the edit icon will bring us to the same Portfolio Add/Edit Page, so it is only logical to group those one above another.
Finally the link Help located in the top right section of the page (see Fig.5) will bring to online help page.
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Fig. 5 |
The purpose of this screen is to give a name to the new portfolio, or change the name of existing portfolio.
The user arrives to this screen from the Portfolio List Page. The only possible thing to do on this screen is to type in the unique name for the portfolio. After clicking the Insert/Update button the portfolio is inserted/updated and the user is redirected back to the Portfolio List Page.
The purpose of this screen is to create a duplicate of existing portfolio. This may be necessary if you need to make quick backup, or if you analyzing different scenarios and want to track one scenario in one portfolio and another in a very similar one and compare the results later.
The user arrives to this screen from the Portfolio List Page after clicking the icon. The only possible thing to do on this screen is to type a unique name for the new portfolio copy. After clicking the Duplicate button the new portfolio with this name is created along with all the transactions, programs, RoR and Projection Calculations and the user is redirected back to the Portfolio List Page.
The Portfolio Export page (see Fig.6) allows users to save their data into desktop comma separated files, which serves two purposes.
First of all this is necessary to maintain backups of your data in the RORICX database. In case you loose the data it is always very important to have a backup copy. This potentially will save you a lot of data entry.
Secondly it is very convenient to transfer your data from RORICX directly into spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) for further processing. For example you can beautify the output in Excel to your liking, print different reports, or if you a broker or a financial planner print your clients data with your logos, headers, totals, etc.
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Fig. 6 |
The export screen contains four textareas: transactions, programs, RoRs and projections.
Each textarea contains the appropriate records from RORICX internal database. Transaction text box contains all transaction records that belong to portfolio, programs textarea contains all programs, RoRs textarea contains all RoRs calculations and projections textarea contains all projection calculations.
E.g. in the case illustrated on Fig.6 there are two transactions rows. If the user navigates to Transaction List Page those records will be visible in the grid (see Fig.11 below). Those are the same records as in the transaction textarea, only presented in different format: on Fig.6 those are presented in the comma separated format and on Fig.11 those are presented in the grid.
Notice that the fields in the rows within Transactions textarea have the following meaning.
The first field is the date of the transaction. The format of this date is defined by the user in her preferences by clicking My Profile link (top of the page). In any case it is the same format as within the grid on Fig.11.
The second field is the transaction amount and the third field (optional) is memo.
The meaning of those fields is important once you bring those into spreadsheet and would like to set up headers for your columns.
Also important is the date format, your spreadsheet program may treat your date format differently, you may need to adjust your preferences and/or date format in your spreadsheet.
Similarly, in the case illustrated on Fig.6 there are two program rows. If the user navigates to Program List Page this record will be visible in the grid (see Fig.12 below). This is the same record as in the program textarea, only presented in different format: on Fig.6 this is presented in the comma separated format and on Fig.12 this is presented in the grid.
Notice that the fields in the rows within Programs textarea have the following meaning.
The first field is the name of the program.
The second field is the start date of the program. The format of this date is defined by the user in her preferences by clicking My Profile link (top of the page). In any case it is the same format as within the grid on Fig.12.
The third field is the end date of the program. Similar argument about its format is applicable in this case.
Note however that in the example on Fig.6 this end date is missing for the first row. This is because it is an optional field. Empty end date means that this program runs forever. This is reflected by two commas with nothing between them ("nothing" in this case means empty program end date).
The fourth field is the program's day of the month (in this case it is 3) and the fifth field is program's amount and the last field (optional) is memo, which is in this case is not set, which is reflected by two commas side by side in the end of the row.
The meaning of those fields is important once you bring those into spreadsheet and would like to set up headers for your columns.
Also important is the date format, your spreadsheet program may treat your date format differently, you may need to adjust your preferences and/or date format in your spreadsheet.
Similarly in the case illustrated on Fig.6 there are two RoR calculation rows. If the user navigates to RoR Calculation List Page those records will be visible in the grid (see Fig.13 below). Those are the same records as in the RoR textarea, only presented in different format: on Fig.6 those are presented in the comma separated format and on Fig.13 those are presented in the grid.
Notice that the fields in the rows within RoRs textarea have the following meaning.
The first field is the start date of the RoR interval.
The second field is the end date of the RoR interval.
The third field is the start market value.
The forth field is the end market value.
The fifth field is the compounding method (e.g. Monthly, Twice a Year, Yearly).
The sixth field is the memo, it is an optional field and it is empty, hence two commas side by side.
The seventh field is the calculated RoR.
The eighth field is the calculated Invested value.
The ninth field is the calculated Growth value.
The tenth field is the calculated Net value.
The eleventh field is the internal field, called outdated, that controls if there were any changes to underlying transactions (this field most likely may be ignored in your spreadsheet).
The meaning of those fields is important once you bring those into spreadsheet and would like to set up headers for your columns.
Also important is the date format, your spreadsheet program may treat your date format differently, you may need to adjust your preferences and/or date format in your spreadsheet.
Similarly in the case illustrated on Fig.6 there are two projection calculation rows. If the user navigates to Projection List Page those records will be visible in the grid (see Fig.17 below). Those are the same records as in the projection textarea, only presented in different format: on Fig.6 those are presented in the comma separated format and on Fig.17 those are presented in the grid.
Notice that the fields in the rows within projections textarea have the following meaning.
The first field is the start date of the RoR interval.
The second field is the end date of the RoR interval.
The third field is the start market value.
The forth field is the RoR value.
The fifth field is the compounding method (e.g. Monthly, Twice a Year, Yearly).
The sixth field is the memo, it is an optional field and it is empty, hence two commas side by side.
The seventh field is the calculated end market value.
The eighth field is the calculated Invested value.
The ninth field is the calculated Growth value.
The tenth field is the calculated Net value.
The eleventh field is the internal field, called outdated, that controls if there were any changes to underlying transactions (this field most likely may be ignored in your spreadsheet).
The meaning of those fields is important once you bring those into spreadsheet and would like to set up headers for your columns.
Also important is the date format, your spreadsheet program may treat your date format differently, you may need to adjust your preferences and/or date format in your spreadsheet.
To export rows from textarea execute the following steps (as example we use transactions and exporting into Excel; other textareas and spreadsheets are similar):
1. Select all the text in the Transactions textarea (e.g. Right Click->Select All) |
2. Copy the highlighted text into Clipboard (e.g. Right Click->Copy). |
3. On your desktop open a text editor (e.g. Notepad). |
4. And Paste into it (e.g. Righ Click->Paste). |
5. Save this text file. |
Alternatively, instead of selecting the text in each of textareas and copying those into your desktop files one can click an "Email" button on the bottom of the screen. Then up to four emails will be generated and send to your email address, one for each textarea (if you logged as a guest we don't have your email and hence you can't use this feature).
Still in this case you will have to execute Steps 1 and 2 working not with textareas in RORICX, but highlighting and copying the body of those emails instead.
At that point you have a backup of your Transactions from online RORICX app in your desktop file. Should you need to Restore those in RORICX you always can Import those back.
In order to bring this data into Excel follow the following steps:
6. Start Excel. |
7. In Excel open this file that you just saved on step 5. |
8. The text wizard will appear, set this file as Delimeted on the first screen. |
9. On the following wizard screen set Delimeter as comma and press Finish. |
At that point you have all transactions in your Excel spreadsheet.
The Portfolio Import page (see Fig.7) allows users to bring into RORICX the data from desktop comma separated files, which serves two purposes.
First of all in the live time of any application the moment arrives when one wants to restore the data from the backup. Either the disk crashes or user deletes accidentaly some data or user enters something wrong and corrupts it... If the user has a backup, she is laughing, otherwise she faces a long process of manual data reentry. In case of RORICX if you peridically Export your portfolios into CSV files onto your desktop you use Import Page to brings the data back.
Secondly if you already have a list of transactions into Excel file (e.g. you routinely maintain it, or another program creates this Excel file for you) it is very convenient to transfer your data from Excel into RORICX directly. For example if you a broker or a financial planner you can Import your client's data into RORICX, calculate the RoR and export it back to Excel to deliver results to the client in your favorite format.
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Fig. 7 |
The import screen is very similar to an export page and contains four textareas: transactions, programs, RoRs and projections. However when you arrive to the Export Page the textareas are already populated with portfolio records. When you arrive to the Import Page those textareas are empty.
In order to import data into portfolio one has to manually populate those texboxes and then click Import button on the bottom af a page.
To restore data from your desktop CSV backups execute the following steps (as example we use transactions but programs, RoRs and Projections are similar):
1. Open your transaction CSV export (backup) file on your desktop (e.g. with a Notepad text editor). |
2. Select every record in this file (e.g. Right Click->Select All). |
3. Copy the highlighted text into Clipboard (e.g. Right Click->Copy). |
4. And Paste into Transaction text area (e.g. Righ Click->Paste) - see Fig.8. |
5. Click Import command button on the bottom of a page. |
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Fig. 8 |
You can choose to add the transactions to the existing ones or to start from scratch, i.e. to purge the existing transactions in the portfolio before running the import, Fig.9. Set this radio button accordingly.
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Fig. 9 |
You can set several textareas with the exported data and click Import once, or alternatively you can set only one area and click Import, then set another textarea and click Import again. I.e. you can import everything at once or do it in several steps.
After you click Import the process will run and it will report the number of records imported or an error (see Fig.10).
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Fig. 10 |
Typically if you importing file from the saved exports it should run without problem. To better understand this process one has to try the following drill:
1. Select all the text in the Transactions textarea (e.g. Right Click->Select All) |
2. Copy the highlighted text into Clipboard (e.g. Right Click->Copy). |
3. Create another empty portfolio with some name like "test_import". |
4. Step on Transaction textarea and Paste into it (e.g. Righ Click->Paste). |
5. Then click Import. |
In this drill first steps are the same as in the regular Export but then instead of pasting data into the desktop editor we paste it into transaction textarea for another portfolio. The fact that we take the data straight from Export textarea ensures that the data is in the correct format and in the correct order (i.e. it can't be altered because we use Copy-Paste).
The second case where the import is very useful is simply copying your transactions from Excel into RORICX. If you have many transactions this will save you a lot of manual entry.
To achieve this one has to save Excel file as CSV, then open this text comma separated file in the Notepad and do all the same steps as importing the backup (see above).
It is very important to have the correct format of the Excel file. Particularly:
1. The fields have to be in a certain order, specific for the area of interest (e.g. transactions, programs, etc.) See Export Help to see the order of the fields for each area. |
2. No field can be missing. |
3. If you have optional field like memo, populate the cells in this column with single space. |
4. The fields have to be in correct order - numeric column, date column, etc. |
5. For dates they have to be in the same format in Excel as set in RORICX (My Profile). |
6. The last field has to be 0 or 1. It is probably doesn't exist in your original spreadsheet, you'll have to add this column and set it to 1 or 0. Without this column RORICX import will fail. |
There is another important comment about commas.
When exporting there is always a comma on the end, i.e. number of commas equals to number of fields.
When saving as CSV in Excel there is no comma in the end of the line, i.e. number of commas equals to number of fields minus one.
This difference is irrelevant for RORICX, it will import correctly both formats.
Every investment portfolio consists of transactions, i.e. debits/credits from/to portfolio. Transactions are recorded in RORICX in two places, i.e. in Transactions or in Programs. Transactions are recorded one by one as they happen. Programs are the short way to record transactions that are repeated peridically every month. Here we are discussing Transactions, i.e. individual debits and credits. Transaction List Page is the place that displays adhoc transactions into portfolio.
The purpose of this screen is to maintain the list of transactions.
Transactions belong to one certain portfolio. The Portfolio List Page is the parent page for this Transaction List page, we had arrived to this Page by clicking the icon on the parent page on the particular portfolio row. The name of the portfolio is displayed in the top section of the screen. Also the name of the portfolio is displayed in the right bottom corner in the Back to Portfolio link. This always puts the Transaction List within certain portfolio contest. Above the grid in the right side of the window there are three links: + Add to add transaction, Print to present printer friendly list of transactions without headers, logos, menus, icons and pages, and Help for online help (this page).
In the right section of the grid there are three columns with icons. Clicking the icon will allow one to Edit the transaction, clicking the
will allow one to delete the transaction and clicking the
will allow one to create another identical transaction (this may come handy if transactions are similar).
Note the location of +Add link, right above the Edit column. This is because clicking the +Add and the edit icon will bring us to the same Transaction Add/Edit Page, so it is only logical to group those one above another.
Three columns on the left represent the relevant transaction data. First column is the transaction date, second is transaction amount and the third (optional) is a transaction memo. Transactions are ordered by date. There may be several transactions on the same date (no unique keys). Note that money that are credited to portfolio are recorded as positive values and money that are debited from the portfolio are recorded as negative values.
On Fig.11 there are two individual transactions. Typically there should be more transactions, but it is also possible not to have individual transactions at all and instead to do all the debits/credits via the regular contribution programs. (Also in principle it is possible not to enter nor transactions, neither programs. E.g. your portfolio may have one market value in the beginning of the year, and another one in the end, RORICX will still be able to calculate the appropriate RoR for this interval.
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Fig. 11 |
The purpose of this screen is to maintain a transaction.
The user arrives to this screen from the Transaction List Page. There are two mandatory fields to set - the transaction date and transaction amount. The transaction memo is optional field. Note that money that are credited to portfolio are recorded as positive values and money that are debited from the portfolio are recorded as negative values. After clicking the Insert/Update button the transaction is inserted/updated and the user is redirected back to the Transaction List Page.
Every investment portfolio consists of transactions, i.e. debits/credits from/to portfolio. Transactions are recorded in RORICX in two places, i.e. in Transactions or in Programs. Transactions are recorded one by one as they happen. Programs are the short way to record transactions that are repeated peridically every month. Here we are discussing Programs, i.e. regular contributions of debits and credits. Program List Page is the place that displays regular contributions into portfolio.
The purpose of this screen is to maintain the list of programs.
Programs belong to one certain portfolio. The Portfolio List Page is the parent page for this Program List page, we had arrived to this Page by clicking the icon on the parent page on the particular portfolio row. The name of the portfolio is displayed in the top section of the screen. Also the name of the portfolio is displayed in the right bottom corner in the Back to Portfolio link. This always puts the Program List within certain portfolio contest. Above the grid in the right side of the window there are three links: + Add to add program, Print to present printer friendly list of programs without headers, logos, menus, icons and pages, and Help for online help (this page).
In the right section of the grid there are three columns with icons. Clicking the icon will allow one to Edit the program, clicking the
will allow one to delete the program and clicking the
will allow one to create another identical program (this may come handy if programs are similar).
Note the location of +Add link, right above the Edit column. This is because clicking the +Add and the edit icon will bring us to the same Program Add/Edit Page, so it is only logical to group those one above another.
Six columns on the left represent the relevant program data. First column is the program name, and it has to be unique within portfolio. The second column is the Start Date, the third is the End Date of the program. The Start Date is a mandatory field, and the End Date is an optional field. If omitted it means that the program runs forever. The fourth column is a day of the month when contribution happens. The Start Date is always set to the first of a month. Note that it is not the date of the first contribution, but it is rather the starting date of the program itself. Contribution always happens on the day of the month indicated in the Day column. On Fig.12 the first contribution within "from_payroll" program will happen on Feb.03 and will go forever on the 3rd of every following month and the first contribution within "kids_tutoring" program will happen on Sep.15 and will happen on every 15th afterwards untill the last one on May.15. Also note that for the second program the End Date is set to the end of month. Setting Start Date to the first and the End Date to the last date of month happens automatically. This feature ensures that the first contribution always happens within the month referenced as Start and End Date. The fifth column is program contribution amount and the sixth column (optional) is a program memo. Programs are ordered by date. Note that money that are credited to portfolio are recorded as positive values and money that are debited from the portfolio are recorded as negative values.
On Fig.12 there are two individual programs. Typically there should be more programs, but it is also possible not to have regular contribution programs at all and instead to do all the debits/credits via the adhoc transactions.
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Fig. 12 |
The purpose of this screen is to maintain a program.
The user arrives to this screen from the Program List Page. There are four mandatory fields to set - the program name, the Start Date, the Day and the contribution amount. The End Date and the program memo are optional fields. The name of the program has to be unique within a portfolio. The Start Date is always set to the first of a month when the record is saved. I.e. the user may select any date on this screen, but when the record will be saved the date will be changed to become the first date of the month. Note that it is not the date of the first contribution, but it is rather the starting date of the program itself. Contribution always happens on the day of the month indicated in the Day field. Similarly if user decides to set the End Date when saved it will be set with the date equal to the last date of the month. Would the user decide to leave it blank (or reset it to blank with a checkmark to the right of the End Date field), it will mean that the program will run forever. Note that money that are credited to portfolio are recorded as positive values and money that are debited from the portfolio are recorded as negative values. After clicking the Insert/Update button the program is inserted/updated and the user is redirected back to the Program List Page.
The purpose of this screen is to create a duplicate of existing program. This may be necessary if you need to create a program that is very similar to the existing one.
The user arrives to this screen from the Program List Page after clicking the icon. The only possible thing to do on this screen is to type a unique name for the new program copy. After clicking the Duplicate button the new program with this name is created and the user is redirected back to the Program List Page.
Once transactions and programs had been entered its time to execute the calculations. RoR Calculation List Page is the page that displays the calculations and allows to maintain those.
The purpose of this screen is to maintain the list of RoR calculations.
RoRs belong to one certain portfolio. The Portfolio List Page is the parent page for this RoR Calculation List page, we had arrived to this Page by clicking the icon on the parent page on the particular portfolio row. The name of the portfolio is displayed in the top section of the screen. Also the name of the portfolio is displayed in the right bottom corner in the Back to Portfolio link. This always puts the RoR Calculation List within certain portfolio contest. Above the grid in the right side of the window there are three links: + Add to add new calculation, Print to present printer friendly list of calculations without headers, logos, menus, icons and pages, and Help for online help (this page).
The columns on this screen are grouped into four different sections.
The leftmost section contains the fields that user has to set. Those are mandatory fields and define the interval for RoR calculation and portfolio market start and end values.
The second group of columns contains the fields that are calculated. The user can't type in those values. Those values appear on the screen only if the user requests the calculation. Those four columns are the essential goal of this application. The whole process of calculation consists of maintaining transactions and programs, then defining the interval and start/end market value and pressing the Calculate button/icon.
The third section contains three columns with icons. Those icons are used as follows:
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
Finally the right section of the grid is similar to portfolios, transactions and programs lists and it is used to maintain the records. It contains three columns with icons. Clicking the icon will allow one to Edit the calculation input parameters, clicking the
will allow one to delete the calculation and clicking the
will allow one to create another identical calculation (this may come handy if RoR Calculations are similar).
Note the location of +Add link, right above the Edit column. This is because clicking the +Add and the edit icon will bring us to the same RoR Add/Edit Page, so it is only logical to group those one above another.
The records in this list are ordered by Start Date, End Date, Memo.
On Fig.13 there are two RoR calculation records. Typically when analyzing historical performance those intervals are always different. But it is entirely possible to set identical intervals and to modify the portfolio start/end market values to compare different scenarios (as it is done on Fig.13).
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Fig. 13 |
One can notice that the calculated values are set for one record and not set for another. When the user inserts a new RoR record or modifies the existing one (e.g. updates the end market value) on RoR Add/Edit Page there is an option to Save the data without the Calculation. In case this option is chosen the four calculated columns on this row are empty.
When arriving to this screen it is always safe to click the icon to refresh the calculation. Consider for example the following scenario. Assume the user enters transactions, programs and requests the calculation. Then three days later the user adds one more transaction (or program) that fells within the RoR interval. Naturally this invalidates the Calculated result. See Fig.13a where outdated record results are displayed in red.
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Fig. 13a |
Clicking the icon ensures that the calculated values are in sync with transactions and programs for the RoR interval. (The results will be displayed in black and may differ from previous results in red).
Finally we'd like to emphasize that Calculation may be requested from several places:
From the RoR Add/Edit Page after clicking the |
Also the calculated RoR has to be between -1024 and 1024. If it is that high it makes no sense to apply it. If the parameters that the user inputs (e.g. in a very short period of time the end market value exceeds the start market value many times) suggest the rate out of those bounds the error message is displayed.
The four calculated fields have the following meaning and relationship to each other:
RoR - this is calculated Rate of Return, in percent. |
Invested - this is the sum of all transactions amounts, including adhoc transactions and those that belong to the regular contribution program, within RoR interval. |
Growth - this is the difference between End and Start market values. |
Net - this is the difference between Growth and Invested (e.g. if it grew up more than you had invested then the net is a positive number). |
The purpose of this screen is to maintain a RoR Calculation input parameters and request a calculation.
The user arrives to this screen from the RoR Calculation List Page. There are five mandatory fields to set - the RoR interval Start/End Dates and portfolio market Start/End Values and the compounding method. The memo is optional field. The compounding method has to be selected from the dropdown, there are three options: Monthly, Twice a year and Yearly. When starting a new record this field is preset according to your settings, that are controlled from My Profile link.
The important difference on this screen is that there are three buttons, not two. One can simply save the five fields without calculation, or one can also request a calculation. The former case will set the leftmost section of columns on the parent RoR Calculation List Page and nullify the second section. In the latter case the values for the second section will be calculated and displayed as well. This is done to emphasize the difference between the columns user has to type in and the columns the application calculates.
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Fig. 14 |
The purpose of this screen is to execute a RoR Calculation.
The user arrives to this screen only in case of an error in the calculation. If the user clicks the icon on the
RoR Calculation List Page the calculation is requested and if the RoR is calculated without any problem the calculated results appear in the second section of columns. However if there is a problem this page is displayed with an error message. Consider for example the following scenario. Lets increase the end market value 100 times and click the
icon. The calculation will not succeed and the current page will be displayed (Fig.15).
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Fig. 15 |
The error message will be displayed. In this particular case the error will indicate that the attempt to calculate resulted in the RoR outside the allowable bounds. The error message also tries to explain why such practically unrealistic RoR was calculated.
The fields that user sets on RoR Add/Edit Page are in the top section of this page, the calculated fields are on the bottom. Neither of those can be modified. Similar to the RoR Add/Edit Page there are two buttons to click. One will do the Calculation, populate the fields in the bottom section and stop. Clicking the second button will do all the above, plus redirect the user back to the RoR Calculation List.
Also there is a Cancel button. If clicked there is no calculation performed and the user is redirected back to the parent RoR Calculation List. Alternatively there is a Back to the RoR List button on the bottom. This is typically clicked after Calculate and Stay on this Page button, when user sees the results and then decides that it is time to go up in the hierarchy of pages to the RoR Calculation list.
The unique feature of RORICX is that we not only calculate RoR for you but also provide you with facility to validate all the calculations.
The purpose of this screen is to trace a RoR Calculation and verify it's every step.
The user arrives to this screen from the RoR Calculation List Page. There are no fields to set on this screen and no + Add link or Edit, Delete, Duplicate icons. The user is allowed only to follow calculation row by row and typically there are a lot of rows. For example on Fig.16 there are six pages of five row per page data (see pagination links in the bottom right corner).
The secondary purpose of this screen is reporting. It can be easily adopted for the creation of listing (similar to bank account) with every transaction date (regardless if it is adhoc transaction or the part of a regular contribution program) and compounding date. Those dates are listed in the ascending order and for every date one can see the total invested and total value of your portfolio growing with certain rate of return. Export those into Excel, remove the columns you don't need, add your custom features (logos, headers, summaries) and you'll end up with great reports that will satisfy your requirements.
There are two sections of columns on this screen. The left section contains the data that defines the data points involved in the requested RoR interval. This section is populated first. It is populated as follows:
The first record is always the Start Date of the RoR interval. Amount (the second column) is always set to 0. |
Then there are records of three varities. Those are either related to the adhoc transactions, transactions that are part of a regular contribution program and also compounding dates (the first of every month). They come in the order of the dates. |
For example the second record is related to the adhoc transaction. This is because in this particular case it comes first, before any compounding date and before any transaction related to the regular contribution program. For such records the second column is set to reflect the amount of transaction, the flag Regular is set as N (no), because this record is not part of a regular program, the name column is empty (it applies only to regular programs), the memo is propagated from transaction's memo, the Cash Date is set to Y (yes), because the date is related to the cash credit/debit and finally the compounding date is set to N, to indicate that it is not compounding date. |
The third record in this example is a compounding date, the first of the month. Generally there may be more adhoc transactions or records related to transactions that are part of a regular contribution program, but in this particular example there are none, and so the compounding date record is next. There no amount for this record both Regular and Cash Date flags are N (no), name and memo are empty, but compounding date is set to Y (yes). |
The forth record in this example is a transaction that comes from the regular contribution program. As such the Amount is set as program's amount, the flag Regular is set to Y (yes), the name column is the name of the program, memo is the memo from the program (empty in this case), Cash Date is Y (yes) and Compounding Date is N. |
And based on this principle the following date points are set, adhoc transactions, transactions related to the programs and compounding dates, all within the RoR interval. |
Finally the last record is inserted with the date that is equal to End Date of RoR interval. The Compounding Date flag is set to Y, to indicate that on the last date we should compound the interest regardless if the End Date is beginning of the month or not. |
The right sections on Fig.16 contains the steps of calculation. The calculation algorithm populates the right section after the left section is set.
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Fig. 16 |
The algorithms works as follows:
The first record is a seed record, the columns are set, but not yet real calculation is happenning. The first record has first four fields set as zero. Total and Total Compounded are set to the Start Portfolio Value (in this case to 0, but it could be any number). |
On the following record some real calculation begins. Total Invested is a running total, so it is set to the sum of Total Invested on record #1 and Amount on record #2 (i.e. it is set to 10,000). Days earning interest is the difference in days between the dates on records #2 and #1 (i.e. 1 in this case). Then there is an Interest earned since Last Record - this is the Total Compounded on record #1 (i.e. 0) multiplied by interest rate in effect (15.24%, see the header, this is the rate we are validating), multiplied by number of days (1 in our case), divided by 365 (to get annual proration), i.e. for record #2 this comes to 0. Then there is an Interest since last compounded date - it is the sum Interest since last compounded date on previous record (i.e. 0 in this example) and Interest earned since last record on record #2 (again 0), i.e. in this case it is 0. Then there are Total and Total Compounded. Total is equal to Total on previous record (i.e. 0), plus Transaction Amount (i.e. 10,000 in the second column of left section) plus total Interest Since Last Record (i.e. it is 10,000). Total Compounded is calculated a bit differently: it is the sum of Total Compounded on previous record (i.e. 0) and amount from column two from left section (i.e. 10,000), which brings us to 10,000. |
On the following record #3 the calculation continues. Total Invested is a running total, so it is set to the sum of Total Invested on record #2 and Amount on record #3 (i.e. it is left unchanged at 10,000). Days earning interest is the difference in days between the dates on records #3 and #2 (i.e. 17 in this case). Then there is an Interest earned since Last Record - this is the Total Compounded on record #2 (i.e. 10000) multiplied by interest rate in effect (15.24%, see the header, this is the rate we are validating), multiplied by number of days (17 in our case), divided by 365 (to get annual proration), i.e. for record #3 this comes to 70.98. Then there is an Interest since last compounded date - it is the sum Interest since last compounded date on previous record (i.e. 0 in this example) and Interest earned since last record on record #3 (i.e. 70.98), i.e. in this case it is 70.98. Then there are Total and Total Compounded. Total is equal to Total on previous record (i.e. 10000), plus Transaction Amount (i.e. 0 in the second column of left section) plus total Interest Since Last Record (i.e. it comes to 10,070.98). Total Compounded is calculated differently, because it is a compounding date, it is simply set to Total. So on non compounding date Total is slightly bigger then Total Compounded and on the compounding date those are the same (this is in effect the nature of compounding, when we apply the interest accumulated during previous month to the principle, so this last month interest starts contributing earning interest too. |
On the following record #4 the calculation continues. Total Invested is a running total, so it is set to the sum of Total Invested on record #3 and Amount on record #4 (i.e. it becomes 10,500). Days earning interest is the difference in days between the dates on records #4 and #3 (i.e. 2 in this case). Then there is an Interest earned since Last Record - this is the Total Compounded on record #3 (i.e. 10070.98) multiplied by interest rate in effect (15.24%, see the header, this is the rate we are validating), multiplied by number of days (2 in our case), divided by 365 (to get annual proration), i.e. for record #4 this comes to 8.41. Then there is an Interest since last compounded date - and here since we are on the first record after compounding date where we had just reset it, we are making it equal to Interest since last record, i.e. in this case it is 8.41. Then there are Total and Total Compounded. Total is equal to Total on previous record (i.e. 10070.98), plus Transaction Amount (i.e. 500 in the second column of left section) plus total Interest Since Last Record (i.e. it comes to 10,579.39). Total Compounded is calculated differently: it is the sum of Total Compounded on previous record (i.e. 10070.98) and amount from column two from left section (i.e. 500), which brings us to 10,570.98. Here Total Compounded is less than Total. I.e. we already made 8.41 in interest and it contributes to Total but not yet to Total Compounded (i.e. this 8.41 is not yet making interest on its own). |
And this is the way it goes from record to record, total compounded making interest, total grows, then the next record, then the next one, and then the compounding date and there interest made during last month is compounded (added to the total), and so on. |
In the end we'll arrive to the last record and the Total Compounded should be equal (within the rounding of RoR) to the portfolio end market value that you had specified for this RoR calculation. I.e. if you increase or decrease RoR by 0.01 the end value will be further away than the one you were validating. If you want to check this, go to Planning Page, and enter the same Start/End dates, same Portfolio Start Market Value and three different RoRs (i.e. in this case 15.23 then 15.24 then 15.25) and obtain the End Values and compare those. |
The purpose of this screen is to export the content of the RoR Verify Page into comma separated file for further analysis in spreadsheet (if you ever need it).
The secondary purpose of this screen is reporting. Export data into Excel, remove the columns you don't need, add your custom features (logos, headers, summaries) and you'll end up with great reports that will satisfy your requirements.
The definition of the fields in the textarea follows with the definition of fields on the RoR Verify Page.
To find out more about two options of export (Cut and Paste or email) and also about CSV files and how to import those into spreadsheet read help on Portfolio Export Page.
Once transactions and programs had been entered its time to execute the calculations. Projection Calculation List Page is the page that displays the calculations and allows to maintain those.
The purpose of this screen is to maintain the list of Projection calculations.
Projections belong to one certain portfolio. The Portfolio List Page is the parent page for this Projection Calculation List page, we had arrived to this Page by clicking the icon on the parent page on the particular portfolio row. The name of the portfolio is displayed in the top section of the screen. Also the name of the portfolio is displayed in the right bottom corner in the Back to Portfolio link. This always puts the Projection Calculation List within certain portfolio contest. Above the grid in the right side of the window there are three links: + Add to add new calculation, Print to present printer friendly list of calculations without headers, logos, menus, icons and pages, and Help for online help (this page).
The columns on this screen are grouped into four different sections.
The leftmost section contains the fields that user has to set. Those are mandatory fields and define the interval for Projection calculation and portfolio market start and end values.
The second group of columns contains the fields that are calculated. The user can't type in those values. Those values appear on the screen only if the user requests the calculation. Those four columns are the essential goal of this application. The whole process of calculation consists of maintaining transactions and programs, then defining the interval and start market value and estimated RoR and pressing the Calculate button/icon.
The third section contains three columns with icons. Those icons are used as follows:
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
Clicking the icon |
Finally the right section of the grid is similar to portfolios, transactions and programs lists and it is used to maintain the records. It contains three columns with icons. Clicking the icon will allow one to Edit the calculation input parameters, clicking the
will allow one to delete the calculation and clicking the
will allow one to create another identical calculation (this may come handy if Projection Calculations are similar).
Note the location of +Add link, right above the Edit column. This is because clicking the +Add and the edit icon will bring us to the same Projection Add/Edit Page, so it is only logical to group those one above another.
The records in this list are ordered by Start Date, End Date, Memo.
On Fig.17 there are two Projection calculation records. Typically when planning future performance those intervals are always different. But it is entirely possible to set identical intervals and to modify the portfolio start market values and possible RoR to compare different scenarios (as it is done on Fig.17).
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Fig. 17 |
One can notice that the calculated values are set for one record and not set for another. When the user inserts a new Projection record or modifies the existing one (e.g. updates the estimated future RoR) on Projection Add/Edit Page there is an option to Save the data without the Calculation. In case this option is chosen the four calculated columns on this row are empty.
When arriving to this screen it is always safe to click the icon to refresh the calculation. Consider for example the following scenario. Assume the user enters transactions, programs and requests the calculation. Then three days later the user adds one more transaction (or program) that fells within the projection interval. Naturally this invalidates the Calculated result. See Fig.17a where outdated record results are displayed in red.
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Fig. 17a |
Clicking the icon ensures that the calculated values are in sync with transactions and programs for the projection interval. (The results will be displayed in black and may differ from previous results in red).
Finally we'd like to emphasize that Calculation may be requested from several places:
The four calculated fields have the following meaning and relationship to each other:
Value End - this is calculated end market value for the specified interval with the specified RoR. |
Invested - this is the sum of all transactions amounts, including adhoc transactions and those that belong to the regular contribution program, within Projection interval. |
Growth - this is the difference between End and Start market values. |
Net - this is the difference between Growth and Invested (e.g. if it grew up more than you had invested then the net is a positive number). |
One last note to emphasize is the difference between Projection Calculation and RoR Calculation. In both cases three input parameters are the same: start and end dates of an interval and portfolio start market value. The fourths parameter is different. In case of Projection Calculation it is RoR and in case of RoR Calculation it is portfolio end market value. Accordingly the result of calculation is different, in case of RoR calculation we calculate RoR and in case of Projection Calculation we calculate portfolio end market value.
The purpose of this screen is to maintain a Projection Calculation input parameters and reqest a calculation.
The user arrives to this screen from the Projection Calculation List Page. There are five mandatory fields to set - the Projection interval Start/End Dates and portfolio market Start Value and the estimated (projected) future value of RoR and the compounding method. The memo is optional field. The compounding method has to be selected from the dropdown, there are three options: Monthly, Twice a year and Yearly. When starting a new record this field is preset according to your settings, that are controlled from My Profile link.
The important difference on this screen is that there are three buttons, not two. One can simply save the five fields without calculation, or one can also request a calculation. The former case will set the leftmost section of columns on the parent Projection Calculation List Page and nullify the second section. In the latter case the values for the second section will be calculated and displayed as well. This is done to emphasize the difference between the columns user has to type in and the columns the application calculates.
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Fig. 18 |
The purpose of this screen is to execute a Projection Calculation.
The user arrives to this screen only in case of an error in the calculation. If the user clicks the icon on the
Projection Calculation List Page the calculation is requested and if the projection is calculated without any problem the calculated results appear in the second section of columns. However if there is a problem this page is displayed with an error message. There are no fields to set, only four buttons (Fig.19).
The fields that user sets on Projection Add/Edit Page are in the top section of this page, the calculated fields are on the bottom. Neither of those can be modified. Similar to the Projection Add/Edit Page there are two buttons to click. One will do the Calculation, populate the fields in the bottom section and stop. Clicking the second button will do all the above, plus redirect the user back to the Projection Calculation List.
Also there is a Cancel button. If clicked there is no calculation performed and the user is redirected back to the parent Projection Calculation List. Alternatively there is a Back to the Projection List button on the bottom. This is typically clicked after Calculate and Stay on this Page button, when user sees the results and then decides that it is time to go up in the hierarchy of pages to the Projection Calculation list.
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Fig. 19 |
The unique feature of RORICX is that we not only calculate end market value for you but also provide you with facility to validate all the calculations.
The purpose of this screen is to trace a Projection Calculation and verify it's every step.
The user arrives to this screen from the Projection Calculation List Page. There are no fields to set on this screen and no + Add link or Edit, Delete, Duplicate icons. The user is allowed only to follow calculation row by row and typically there are a lot of rows. For example on Fig.20 there are sixteen pages of five row per page data (see pagination links in the bottom right corner).
The secondary purpose of this screen is reporting. It can be easily adopted for the creation of listing (similar to bank account) with every transaction date (regardless if it is adhoc transaction or the part of a regular contribution program) and compounding date. Those dates are listed in the ascending order and for every date one can see the total invested and total value of your portfolio growing with certain rate of return. Export those into Excel, remove the columns you don't need, add your custom features (logos, headers, summaries) and you'll end up with great reports that will satisfy your requirements.
There are two sections of columns on this screen. The left section contains the data that defines the data points involved in the requested Projection interval. This section is populated first. It is populated as follows:
The first record is always the Start Date of the Projection interval. Amount (the second column) is always set to 0. |
Then there are records of three varities. Those are either related to the adhoc transactions, transactions that are part of a regular contribution program and also compounding dates (the first of every month). They come in the order of the dates. |
For example the second record in this example is a transaction that comes from the regular contribution program. As such the Amount is set as program's amount, the flag Regular is set to Y (yes), the name column is the name of the program, memo is the memo from the program (empty in this case), Cash Date is Y (yes) and Compounding Date is N. |
The third record in this example is a compounding date, the first of the month. Generally there may be more adhoc transactions or records related to transactions that are part of a regular contribution program, but in this particular example there are none, and so the compounding date record is next. There no amount for this record both Regular and Cash Date flags are N (no), name and memo are empty, but compounding date is set to Y (yes). |
The forth record in this example is a transaction that comes from the regular contribution program. As such the Amount is set as program's amount, the flag Regular is set to Y (yes), the name column is the name of the program, memo is the memo from the program (empty in this case), Cash Date is Y (yes) and Compounding Date is N. |
And based on this principle the following date points are set, adhoc transactions, transactions related to the programs and compounding dates, all within the Projection interval. |
Finally the last record is inserted with the date that is equal to End Date of Projection interval. The Compounding Date flag is set to Y, to indicate that on the last date we should compound the interest regardless if the End Date is beginning of the month or not. |
The right sections on Fig.20 contains the steps of calculation. The calculation algorithm populates the right section after the left section is set.
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Fig. 20 |
The algorithms works as follows:
The first record is a seed record, the columns are set, but not yet real calculation is happenning. The first record has first four fields set as zero. Total and Total Compounded are set to the Start Portfolio Value (in this case to 15,000, but it could be any number). |
On the following record some real calculation begins. Total Invested is a running total, so it is set to the sum of Total Invested on record #1 and Amount on record #2 (i.e. it is set to -100). Days earning interest is the difference in days between the dates on records #2 and #1 (i.e. 0 in this case). Then there is an Interest earned since Last Record - this is the Total Compounded on record #1 (i.e. 0) multiplied by interest rate in effect (8.10%, see the header, this is the rate we are validating), multiplied by number of days (0 in our case), divided by 365 (to get annual proration), i.e. for record #2 this comes to 0. Then there is an Interest since last compounded date - it is the sum Interest since last compounded date on previous record (i.e. 0 in this example) and Interest earned since last record on record #2 (again 0), i.e. in this case it is 0. Then there are Total and Total Compounded. Total is equal to Total on previous record (i.e. 15,000), plus Transaction Amount (i.e. -100 in the second column of left section) plus total Interest Since Last Record (i.e. it is 14,900). Total Compounded is calculated a bit differently: it is the sum of Total Compounded on previous record (i.e. 0) and amount from column two from left section (i.e. 10,000), which brings us to 14,900. |
On the following record #3 the calculation continues. Total Invested is a running total, so it is set to the sum of Total Invested on record #2 and Amount on record #3 (i.e. it is left unchanged at -100). Days earning interest is the difference in days between the dates on records #3 and #2 (i.e. 17 in this case). Then there is an Interest earned since Last Record - this is the Total Compounded on record #2 (i.e. 14,900) multiplied by interest rate in effect (8.10%, see the header, this is the rate we are validating), multiplied by number of days (17 in our case), divided by 365 (to get annual proration), i.e. for record #3 this comes to 56.21. Then there is an Interest since last compounded date - it is the sum Interest since last compounded date on previous record (i.e. 0 in this example) and Interest earned since last record on record #3 (i.e. 56.21), i.e. in this case it is 56.21. Then there are Total and Total Compounded. Total is equal to Total on previous record (i.e. 14,900), plus Transaction Amount (i.e. 0 in the second column of left section) plus total Interest Since Last Record (i.e. it comes to 14,956.21). Total Compounded is calculated differently, because it is a compounding date, it is simply set to Total. So on non compounding date Total is slightly bigger then Total Compounded and on the compounding date those are the same (this is in effect the nature of compounding, when we apply the interest accumulated during previous month to the principle, so this last month interest starts contributing earning interest too. |
On the following record #4 the calculation continues. Total Invested is a running total, so it is set to the sum of Total Invested on record #3 and Amount on record #4 (i.e. it becomes 400). Days earning interest is the difference in days between the dates on records #4 and #3 (i.e. 2 in this case). Then there is an Interest earned since Last Record - this is the Total Compounded on record #3 (i.e. 14,956.21) multiplied by interest rate in effect (8.10%, see the header, this is the rate we are validating), multiplied by number of days (2 in our case), divided by 365 (to get annual proration), i.e. for record #4 this comes to 6.64. Then there is an Interest since last compounded date - and here since we are on the first record after compounding date where we had just reset it, we are making it equal to Interest since last record, i.e. in this case it is 6.64. Then there are Total and Total Compounded. Total is equal to Total on previous record (i.e. 14,956.21), plus Transaction Amount (i.e. 500 in the second column of left section) plus total Interest Since Last Record (i.e. it comes to 15,426.85). Total Compounded is calculated differently: it is the sum of Total Compounded on previous record (i.e. 14,956.21) and amount from column two from left section (i.e. 500), which brings us to 15,456.21. Here Total Compounded is less than Total. I.e. we already made 6.64 in interest and it contributes to Total but not yet to Total Compounded (i.e. this 6.64 is not yet making interest on its own). |
And this is the way it goes from record to record, total compounded making interest, total grows, then the next record, then the next one, and then the compounding date and there interest made during last month is compounded (added to the total), and so on. |
In the end we'll arrive to the last record and the Total Compounded should be equal to the portfolio end market value. |
The purpose of this screen is to export the content of the Projection Verify Page into comma separated file for further analysis in spreadsheet (if you ever need it).
The secondary purpose of this screen is reporting. Export data into Excel, remove the columns you don't need, add your custom features (logos, headers, summaries) and you'll end up with great reports that will satisfy your requirements.
The definition of the fields in the textarea follows with the definition of fields on the Projection Verify Page.
To find out more about two options of export (Cut and Paste or email) and also about CSV files and how to import those into spreadsheet read help on Portfolio Export Page.